Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sharing picasa photos, albums, and tags between Windows and Macintosh OSX computers

So, you have all your pictures on your computer, you view and tag them with Picasa, and your Windows-using spouse wants to have the same photos and tags and albums and such on her Windows machine. What do you do?

First you share your picture folders between machines using BitTorrent Sync. That works great. Oh Joy!

Next, after you've spent hours on your Macintosh tagging people in all the photos, you want your spouse to see all those same tags on her Windows machine. So you play around with sharing the Picasa "contacts" folder, and you try sharing the "db3" folder, and you try the "store name tags in photo" Picasa options, and the experimental "write faces to XMP" and various combinations of the above.  No matter what you try, at best it doesn't share data between machines, and at worst it corrupts your data.

So you stop syncing everything except the photo folders themselves. And you restore your "contacts" and "db3" folders (you did remember to back those up, didn't you), and you give up on you and your spouse ever having the benefit of being able to share your tagged people faces.
